Item #534
Both men and women (38.8% vs. 47.9% pressured into a range of sexual activity: kissing, cuddling, fondling, oral sex, intecourse)
Topic: Violence, SexualSource
Citation: Characteristics of male and female victims of sexual coercion, p. 31 Author(s): Hartwick, Desmarais, Hennig Institution(s): University of Guelph Link: Nation(s): Canada Year(s): 2007 Source: Primary Type: SurveyDiscussion
Other Notes:p. 36 - Coercion act victimization (male% vs. female%): kissing/fondling (23.3% vs. 34%), intercourse (18.3% vs. 21.2%), oral sex (5.8% vs. 4.2%) (see Item #536)