Item #576
According to inmates, roughly 1/3 coerced into participation in inmate-on-inmate sex
Topic: Violence, SexualSource
Citation: No Escape: Male Rape in US Prisons Author(s): Mariner Institution(s): Human Rights Watch Link: Nation(s): United States Year(s): 1996-1999 Source: Primary Type: SurveyDiscussion
Other Notes:According to line officers, 1/5; according to higher-ranking officials, 1/8
Objections/Rebuttals:"The author of the survey was careful to note that it was not conducted in accordance with scientific standards, and thus its findings may not be perfectly reliable"
Counter-Objections/-Rebuttals:"Even taking only the lowest of the three estimates of coerced sexual activity -- and even framing that one conservatively -- more than one in ten inmates in the prisons surveyed was subject to sexual abuse"