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Item #912

Of all homeless adults in shelter, 63.2% are men, and 36.8% are women.

Topic: Homelessness


Citation: The 2012 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) to Congress, sec. 1, p. 8
Author(s): Solari, Cortes, Brown
Institution(s): Department of Housing and Urban Development

Link: https://www.hudexchange.info/resources/documents/2012-AHAR-Volume-2.pdf
File(s): http://www.mrarchivist.com/wp-content/uploads/formidable/6/2012-AHAR-Volume-2.pdf

Nation(s): United States
Year(s): 2012
Source: Primary
Type: Statistical Analysis


Other Notes:

"The gender differences are even more pronounced when comparing the U.S. poverty population to the sheltered homeless population. Among the poor, 58 percent are women, compared to 37 percent of the homeless population."