Item #
Other Brazilian population based studies have shown a prevalence of constipation between 14 and 25 6, 7, 8 generic for cialis Kidney Int 1995; 47 1615 1623
Topic: Media Submitted by: ActuankSource
Citation: Author(s): Actuank Institution(s): Nation(s): United States Year(s): 1990 Source: Secondary Type: LetterDiscussion
Other Notes:Other Brazilian population based studies have shown a prevalence of constipation between 14 and 25 6, 7, 8 generic for cialis Kidney Int 1995; 47 1615 1623
Objections/Rebuttals:Other Brazilian population based studies have shown a prevalence of constipation between 14 and 25 6, 7, 8 generic for cialis Kidney Int 1995; 47 1615 1623
Counter-Objections/-Rebuttals:Other Brazilian population based studies have shown a prevalence of constipation between 14 and 25 6, 7, 8 generic for cialis Kidney Int 1995; 47 1615 1623