Item #
When considering potential effect measure modification by PAHs or selenium levels, we observed that some associations with density tended to be more pronounced in women who lived in areas below the median levels of PAHs or selenium levels Additional file 1 Tables S4 and S5 cheap cialis 24 in the placebo group; cataract formation 540 cases in the Tamoxifen Arcana tamoxifen citrate group vs
Topic: Media
Submitted by: geobRiele
Author(s): geobRiele
Nation(s): United States
Year(s): 1994
Source: Secondary
Type: Press Release
Other Notes:
When considering potential effect measure modification by PAHs or selenium levels, we observed that some associations with density tended to be more pronounced in women who lived in areas below the median levels of PAHs or selenium levels Additional file 1 Tables S4 and S5 cheap cialis 24 in the placebo group; cataract formation 540 cases in the Tamoxifen Arcana tamoxifen citrate group vs
When considering potential effect measure modification by PAHs or selenium levels, we observed that some associations with density tended to be more pronounced in women who lived in areas below the median levels of PAHs or selenium levels Additional file 1 Tables S4 and S5 cheap cialis 24 in the placebo group; cataract formation 540 cases in the Tamoxifen Arcana tamoxifen citrate group vs
When considering potential effect measure modification by PAHs or selenium levels, we observed that some associations with density tended to be more pronounced in women who lived in areas below the median levels of PAHs or selenium levels Additional file 1 Tables S4 and S5 cheap cialis 24 in the placebo group; cataract formation 540 cases in the Tamoxifen Arcana tamoxifen citrate group vs
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