Item #597
For female prepetrators of IPV who claim self-defense, 87% change their story when told that relatives/witnesses related different accounts
Topic: Violence, Intimate PartnerSource
Citation: Deconstructing Self-Defense in Wife-to-Husband Violence, p. 290 Author(s): Sarantakos Institution(s): Charles Sturt University Link: Nation(s): Australia Year(s): 2004 Source: Primary Type: InterviewsDiscussion
Objections/Rebuttals:p.293 - "Certainly, the qualitative nature of the study and the small sample size [68 families] allow no claims of representativeness or generalizability of the findings. "
Counter-Objections/-Rebuttals:Read the rest of that paragraph. p. 293 - "Nevertheless, the study offers sufficient substance and evidence to allow analytic or naturalistic generalizations (Blakie, 2000). Such generalizations are based on the conceptual power of the findings derived from the fittingness and comparability of the cases studied (Firestone, 1993; Schofield, 1993)."