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Item #882

The rate of men who can't sork due to illness or disability is 3.75x what it was in 1968 (6% vs. 1.6%)

Topic: Health


Citation: The shocking pain of American men
Author(s): Kreuger
Institution(s): Princeton

Link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/10/13/a-record-number-of-men-arent-working-this-might-finally-explain-why/?tid=pm_business_pop_b&utm_term=.8773939a9117&wpisrc=nl_wonk&wpmm=1

Nation(s): United States
Year(s): 2014
Source: Secondary
Type: Survey


Other Notes:

For women, the rate is 2.22x what it was (5.8% vs. 1.8%)