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Item #924

Although men were more likely to be arrested for IPV, nonofficial data indicate that these same men were not significantly higher than were their women partners in physical and psychological aggression or in mean levels of more severe physical aggression.

Topic: Violence, Intimate Partner


Citation: Official Incidents of Domestic Violence: Types, Injury, and Associations with Nonofficial Couple Aggression, p. 9
Author(s): Capaldi, Shortt, Kim, Wilson, Crosby, Tucci
Institution(s): Oregon Social Learning Center

Link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2779018/
File(s): https://www.mrarchivist.com/wp-content/uploads/formidable/6/nihms111451-1.pdf

Nation(s): United States
Year(s): 2009
Source: Primary
Type: Multiple types


Other Notes:

In fact, the women were more likely to show higher levels of overall physical and psychological aggression (although not of severe physical aggression) in the context of nonofficial aggression toward a partner.